Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Reports


Drinking Water Consumer Confidence Reports

2015 | 2016 | 2017 | 2018 | 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022
*The report year is based on publishing year and reflects the previous years water data*

A routine drinking water inspection conducted on November 7, 2023 by the state drinking water program identified violations. To correct this issue the Town worked to complete necessary inspections and assemble documentation.  Inspections were completed in early December and at the time of inspection, no violations existed indicating there was no risk to public health.  

Drinking Water Information  |  Comprehensive Inspection


Please note: The Consumer Confidence Report is amended to include the correct state defined potential sources of contamination. No contaminants have been detected. If any contaminants were detected in our water their sources may be from: chemical storage, wastewater discharge, mine sites, leaking storage tanks, oil/gas wells, roads, transportation, residential, farming, forests, and other facilities.

Current Report